RENDER Pricing of Compute Work

Breaking down RENDER pricing

Compute work using RENDER Tokens is broken down into a multi-tier pricing structure, based around speed, security and cost.

One RENDER Token or RENDER Credit is mapped to a unit of work called OctaneBench. OctaneBench is a tool created by OTOY in order to define compute power provided by any combination of graphics cards into a single score.

When setting up a job, creators select a tier based around preferences for speed, cost, security and node reputation. As outlined in the image below, these preferences are broken down into three tiers:

  • Tier 1 (Trusted): [NOT YET RELEASED]

  • Tier 2 (Priority): Provides rendering queue priority, more power and faster average speeds than Tier 3, able to handle larger and more complex scenes.

  • Tier 3 (Economy): Provides the most economic rendering solution. Queue priority and requisite node power are not guaranteed, recommended for work that is not time sensitive.

Multi-tier pricing operates using a multiplier attached to the OctaneBench algorithm.

  • Tier 1 work has an OctaneBench multiplier of 1x

  • Tier 2 has a multiplier that varies between 2 - 4X (thus, an artist will receive 2-4x more OB work at Tier 2 when compared to Tier 1)

  • Tier 3 has a multiplier of 8-16X vs Tier 1.

This means that 1 RENDER Credit can equal 100 OB for 1 hour at Tier 2, and 200 OB for 1 hour at Tier 3. Extrapolated out, 100 RNDR Tokens would give anywhere from 2,500 OBh to 20,000 OBh. From a hardware perspective, 100 RNDR provides 50 - 100 hours with 1 RTX 2070, or 5 - 10 hours with 10 RTX 2070s

Estimating Job Costs

For instructions on how to estimate job costs for your specific scenes, please see:

Please keep in mind that estimates only reflect the rendering costs and do not include processing times. For additional questions about job costs, please email or visit the Render Foundation Support page:

Last updated