Using ORBX from Unreal Engine

A guide to exporting ORBX files to the Render Network when using Unreal Engine

When using Render Network in conjunction with Unreal Engine, the accepted output format is ORBX. An Unreal Engine scene layout can be exported in ORBX format from either the Octane menu or from the Sequencer window if the file to be exported contains animations designed using the Sequencer.

An Unreal Engine scene can be exported from the Octane menu if the scene does not contain any animation designed using the Sequencer window (Figure 1). The preferred export format from the Export Scene Opt window is Alembic.

Figure 1: Exporting to ORBX from the Octane menu

Animated scenes can be exported from the Sequencer window. A Camera and a Camera Cuts track are required for proper export to ORBX from the Sequencer window (Figure 2).

Figure 2: A Camera and Camera Cuts track added to a Sequence

An active Render Target is also required when exporting to PRBX from the Sequencer window (Figure 3).

Figure 3: Activating an Octane render from an Octane Render Target actor

Once there is an active Octane render rendering in the Octane Viewport, the Movie Render Queue (MRQ) can be opened from the Sequencer window (Figure 4).

Figure 4: Accessing the MRQ from the Sequencer window

Clicking on Unsaved Configuration will open the render settings. An Octane ORBX (Local Only) export option can be added by clicking on the +Settings button (Figure 5).

Figure 5: Adding the Octane ORBX export to the configuration

Once this has been added, clicking on the Accept button will close the window and the ORBX export can be executed by clicking on the Render (Local) button in the Movie Render Queue window (Figure 6). The exported ORBX file will be located in the location specified under the Output column.

Figure 6: Rendering an animated sequence to ORBX from the MRQ window

It is good practice to open the ORBX file in Octane Standalone to make sure everything from the Unreal Engine scene is exported properly. To check for rendering issues inside of Octane Standalone, click on the Render Target node in the Node Graph Editor window (Figure 7).

If the exported ORBX file contains animation, the timeline will be visible in the Standalone Render Viewport window (Figure 8).

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